Protestors call on NV Energy, Public Utilities Commission to keep energy affordable

This story was published by Fox 5. LAS VEGAS, Nev. – Dozens of community members gathered in protest of increasing utility costs ahead of Wednesday’s Public Utilities Commission of Nevada consumer session. During the consumer sessions, multiple people said that their bills have gone up. Some say they saw increases of hundreds of dollars in […]
At PUCN Consumer Session, Families and Community Groups Highlight How Utility Monopolies’ Greed Drives Dire Health Impacts

**Photos are available here.** In extreme heat, Nevadans are forced to choose between health and paying record-high bills. NEVADA — At yesterday’s Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) Consumer Session, environmental, faith, community, and health leaders gathered to call on NV Energy and Southwest Gas to stop prioritizing corporate profits over Nevada’s families’ and communities’ […]