Overcharged & Overwhelmed: Nevadans Struggle with Unpredictable and Rising Energy Bills

For over two years, Nevada’s families and businesses have faced skyrocketing NV Energy and Southwest Gas bills, with some seeing their costs double or even triple. This financial strain is especially harsh on those struggling to make ends meet. Difficult Choices and Unfair Burdens Many families have faced difficult choices between paying their utility bills […]
Nevadans to Pay for Monopoly Utility’s Half-Billion Dollar Gas Plant

PUCN approved NV Energy’s plan, subjecting Nevadans to more costly pollution NEVADA — Today, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) approved NV Energy’s costly $575.3 million plan to build a 400-megawatt methane gas-burning power plant at the North Valmy Generation Station. The decision was outlined in a draft order and confirmed in a final […]
Los habitantes de Nevada pagarán por la planta de gas de medio millón de dólares de la compañía monopolista de servicios públicos

PUCN aprobó el plan de NV Energy, imponiendo a los habitantes de Nevada una contaminación más costosa NEVADA —Hoy, la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de Nevada (PUCN, por sus siglas en inglés) aprobó el costoso plan de NV Energy de $575.3 millones para construir una planta de energía de 400 megavatios que quema gas metano […]